Our Port
APM Terminals Pipavav is located in Gujarat, just 152 nautical miles (10 hours steaming time) from Nhava Sheva in Mumbai. It has access immediate access to key markets in northwest India and the largest sea food export belt in India via road and rail, including direct electrified access to the Western Dedicated Freight Corridor. Port Pipavav is a successful public-private enterprise, managed and operated by APM Terminals (Shareholding 43.01%).
Positioned opposite two islands, which act as a natural breakwater, the port is safe in all weather conditions, even during the monsoon season, with wave heights less than 0.5m most of the time. During peak tidal conditions, water currents are between 2.5 to 3 knots. The channel length at the port is 4,550m. Due to favourable oceanographic conditions, the port offers day and night navigation to all vessels except LPG vessels (daytime only).
Authorized Economic Operator
APM Terminals Piavav has Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Status from the World Customs Organisation. As such, it can offer higher levels of efficiency and faster export-import services. AEO Certification means that the Terminals' customers will experience fewer physical inspections of imported/exported goods, faster release of shipments, preferential treatment by Customs Authorities and deferred payment of duties.
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- Suscríbase a nuestros boletines globales o terminales
- Configurar alertas de terminal (SMS o correo electrónico)
- Guarde los contenedores de importación en su lista de seguimiento de contenedores y configure las notificaciones por correo electrónico de contenedores
- Utilice nuestro sistema integrado de citas para camiones: terminales limitadas
- Solicite servicios adicionales en línea - terminales limitadas