Online Service Requests
Lifting the Standard of Efficiency
The ability to order and pay for a product online in just a few clicks has become today’s norm. Whether we’re at the computer, on a tablet or on a phone. Anytime, anywhere. It’s easy, it’s fast and it’s flexible. Now APM Terminals is lifting standards of efficiency through online service requests.
Services ranging from Fumigation to Container Photos and Break Bulk to VGM can be requested online in just a few clicks. To speed up the Service Request process, your details will be pre-filled with the information stored in your www.apmterminals.com account, which is also used for other online services on our website such as Terminal Alerts.
Simply enter the information requested and you’ll see an instant price estimate on screen during the ordering process or for non-standard services such as break bulk or out of gauge your request will be sent to the terminal and you’ll receive a tailored quote via email.
- Convenient: Pre-filled information means you can get a custom quote and order services in just a few clicks.
- Reliable: Check your order history anytime and anywhere.
- Flexible: Revise and cancel services yourself, via APMTerminals.com, for optimal flexibility.
- Easy: One single apmterminals.com account to access all online tools
Initially you'll be able to request a service online. In the future we’ll be adding options to pay online and the ability to track your Service Requests in real-time, without the need for email interaction with the terminal.
How does it work?
Digital Service Requests is a global solution, which means we’ll be rolling it out rapidly. It is currently available for:
West Africa Container Terminal, Nigeria
APM Terminals Barcelona, Spain
APM Terminals Gothenburg, Sweden