Customs Examination Booking Portal
Book container scan, customs examination or re-scan your container and download/print your indemnity form. Track your requests in a clear overview and receive notifications when customs approves/declines requests.
- Please be informed that booking requests end at 5 pm each day.
- If you want to secure your preferred booking date to be the next day, you must make your booking on or before 5 p.m. at the latest, except for days that are blocked owing to public holidays, scanner repair, Nigeria Customs Service notices of non-booking days, etc.
Inicio de sesión en el panel de APM Terminals
Crear una cuenta de le permite:
- Suscríbase a nuestros boletines globales o terminales
- Configurar alertas de terminal (SMS o correo electrónico)
- Guarde los contenedores de importación en su lista de seguimiento de contenedores y configure las notificaciones por correo electrónico de contenedores
- Utilice nuestro sistema integrado de citas para camiones: terminales limitadas
- Solicite servicios adicionales en línea - terminales limitadas