OOG/Stripping/Stuffing Procedure
Appointments are required for all OOG imports and exports requiring stripping/stuffing. An OOG Flip Fee is charged for moves where trucker is delivering/receiving intact flat-rack or open top.
OOG Flips
OOG Flips cost $720.18. This fee must be paid online prior to your driver’s arrival to avoid any unnecessary service or delivery delays. Please pay using the booking number, as the payment will be associated to bookings and not container numbers in this case. If there are multiple units on a booking, the customer just needs to ensure that they pay the rate of $720.18 per unit.
For Export OOG Flips please make an appointment by email: newarkheavylift@apmterminals.com. Once paid, heavylift will advise yard ops with flip payment confirmation so when the trucker arrives at chassis change, he will be approved to complete the move.
Import Over Heights
For Import over-heights requiring a chassis flip, and use of the over-height attachment, the same fee of $720.18 will be charged, however, the payment will be coordinated via auto-hold in our system. This fee must also be paid online prior to your driver’s arrival. Once paid, the delivery hold on the import load will be lifted, allowing your driver to get a good ticket to get flipped, and depart.
All truckers must have a valid TWIC card. If a trucker does not posses a valid TWIC card to access APM Terminals, we can provide an escort at the tariff rate. Please see tariff page for details.
PayCargo Payers now have the ability to pay Out of Gauge Fees and Strip/Stuff. Simply sign into your PayCargo Payer Account, create a new transaction, and select the appropriate type of transaction from the drop down menu, seen below:
APM Terminals Dashboard Login
Creating an APMTerminals.com account allows you to:
- Subscribe to our Global or Terminal Newsletters
- Set up Terminal Alerts (SMS or Email)
- Save import containers to your Container Watchlist and set up container Email Notifications
- Use our integrated Truck Appointment System - limited terminals
- Request additional services online - limited terminals
APM Terminals Dashboard Login
Creating an APMTerminals.com account allows you to:
- Subscribe to our Global or Terminal Newsletters
- Set up Terminal Alerts (SMS or Email)
- Save import containers to your Container Watchlist and set up container Email Notifications
- Use our integrated Truck Appointment System - limited terminals
- Request additional services online - limited terminals