Dynamic TDO/Delivery
Our free Online TDO service modernizes the traditional paper-based processes for import deliveries. Our electronic notification streamlines the process between Terminals and Importers or their Agents.
- Time Flexibility: Request & printing of TDO online, anywhere & anytime.
- Convenience: The Online TDO eliminates the need to go to APM Terminals office to print TDOs. All can be done via email & via TERMView.
- Cost Savings: Spend less time with online transactions & less cost of travel & waiting.
Dynamic TDO & Delivery
To generate TDOs for multiple containers on the bill of lading we offer Dynamic TDO and for faster loading of your containers in the yard - Dynamic Delivery.
Containers are loaded using Easy Pick. This means that containers on the BL, which are free of impediments, will be positioned closest to the gate, with the easest access. We will have equipment available in area and 2x20’ to load from.
- Reduction of waiting time during TDO generation for BL with multiple containers, as all the containers will be printed on one copy and copies re-printed for the number of containers on that BL.
- Reduction of truck waiting time and inefficiency as containers will be loadedwith Easy Pick
- A QR code on the TDO improves security and transaction time at the gate, as users no longer have to enter container numbers manually. This also it mitigates errors and omissions.
Ordering Process
Both services can be ordered free of charge as follows:
- Shipper/consignee raise Online TDO request in TERMView..
- Customer will receive confirmation that the request has been received by the terminal
- Customer will receive the TDO as pdf sent to the registered and any additional emails.
APM Terminals Dashboard Login
Creating an APMTerminals.com account allows you to:
- Subscribe to our Global or Terminal Newsletters
- Set up Terminal Alerts (SMS or Email)
- Save import containers to your Container Watchlist and set up container Email Notifications
- Use our integrated Truck Appointment System - limited terminals
- Request additional services online - limited terminals
APM Terminals Dashboard Login
Creating an APMTerminals.com account allows you to:
- Subscribe to our Global or Terminal Newsletters
- Set up Terminal Alerts (SMS or Email)
- Save import containers to your Container Watchlist and set up container Email Notifications
- Use our integrated Truck Appointment System - limited terminals
- Request additional services online - limited terminals