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Please note: On Friday, Feb 7th, all operations at the terminal will be paused from 12.00h to approx.13.00h due to summoned meeting among dockworkers. Gate will close at hrs 11.15 to ensure trucks inside the terminal are served in due time. We will inform as soon as operations can restart. We are sorry for the inconvenience this is causing.  To receive future Alerts via email or SMS, please subscribe to Terminal Alerts.

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Right on track: Efficient, reliable, and sustainable rail connections to and from APM Terminals Aarhus

For an effective supply chain, it's all about finding the most efficient, reliable, and sustainable solutions. The answer might just be right on track – quite literally. Embrace the capabilities of rail transport to and from APM Terminals and take your supply chain to new heights with the promise of weekly departures to key Danish markets.

Swift Connections to key Danish Markets

Imagine reaching key Danish markets in just three hours, all while minimising your environmental impact. APM Terminals Aarhus' fast rail service offers exactly that, featuring 4-6 weekly departures between Aarhus and the Taulov rail terminal, with the flexibility to increase frequency based on demand. The Taulov rail terminal acts as your gateway, seamlessly linking you to the strategically located Høje Tåstrup terminal in Copenhagen, near major customers and distribution centers.

Reliable and Efficient transportation

Modern railways prioritise reliable schedules, ensuring timely shipments. Helle Almind Commercial Manager at APM Terminals explains:

“Choosing our rail service not only ensures efficiency but also actively contributes to reducing truck traffic on Copenhagen streets and Danish highways. While trucks are often associated with faster transportation, both rail and over-the-road trucking have comparable transit times. Trains are less affected by traffic and road delays, offering a reliable and efficient option for moving goods.”

Greening Your Supply Chain

“Increasingly, our customers prioritise environmental impact when choosing a logistics solution, explaining the rising demand for rail transportation. There are plans to electrify the rail line by 2026, further enhancing the eco-friendliness of this service,” she says.

According to DB Cargo, a leading rail provider, rail transport emits eight times less CO2 than road transport. Picture this - one electric locomotive takes the place of 35 lorries on the roads, resulting in 12.7 times lower emissions.

Cost-Effective Logistics: Saving You More Than Money

Besides environmental benefits, rail transport is highly cost-effective. Figures from DB Cargo reveal that rail can be up to twice as cost-effective as trucks, factoring in all external costs like accidents, noise, impact on nature and landscape, as well as climate and air pollutants. Choosing rail isn't just a smart environmental choice; it's a wise financial decision too.

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