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Friendship Foundation – Skechers Pier to Pier Walk


Alta Sea – Blue Hour


Harbor Trucking Association – Community Sponsorship Events


APM Terminals Pier 400 Supports California Least Tern Habitat Protection

In 2024, APM Terminals Pier 400 expanded support for California Least Tern habitat protection through a collaborative initiative managed by the Port of Los Angeles and Rincon Consultants. This program is dedicated to preserving and enhancing the nesting habitat of the endangered California Least Tern on Pier 400, leveraging the expertise of biologists to safeguard this critical species. Read more…


Marine Mammal Care Center Los Angeles

In July 2024, APM Terminals commenced its sponsorship of the Marine Mammal Care Center Los Angeles (MMCC), a leading non-profit dedicated to marine conservation along the Los Angeles County coastline. This collaboration underscores APM Terminal’s commitment to protecting ocean health and biodiversity by underwriting MMCC’s South Bay Rescue and Response program for the next year. 


Girls Inc. Los Angeles

Colleagues from APM Terminals Los Angeles joined an evening to support Girls Inc Los Angeles, a foundation that serves girls (including youth identifying as female), 5-18 years old, living in under-resourced LA neighborhoods, facing intersecting systemic inequities that limit the resources and opportunities they need to succeed.




Los Angeles PRIDE Parade 2024



Go Green 2024

At APM Terminals, as part of our annual Go Green Global Campaign, we work together with our partners to promote lifestyles that work in harmony with our environment and its natural resources. This creates sustainable benefits for society and the environment, and generates value in our community.


Global Safety Day

Every year APM Terminals runs a safety day for friends, families and customers at all of it’s terminals around the world. In 2023, our Global Safety Day celebration focussed on making sure anyone visiting our terminal feels 'safe to speak up'. Everyone needs to feel confident to talk about and integrate prevention issues in our activities. We aren’t leaving talking and sharing about safety to chance depending on the circumstances.
