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APM Terminlas presents new digital services to offer each time greater facilities to its customers

The pandemic accelerated the digital transformation, because online procedures help to operate as a safer port, but also benefit customers by offering them practical tools to simplify their procedures without the need to move. The latest innovation is the modernization and automation of the "Online Account Statement", both in the self-management center and in the #PuertoDigital platform.

From now on they will be able to:

• Access their updated balance and account records whenever they want
• Receive complete information regarding the composition of your balances and movements in order to be able to carry out a better traceability of your logistics operations
• Verify additional information on the composition of balances, dollar amount, booking, knowledge, containers, among others
• Download the information in Excel format
• Give access to other users to consult on your behalf
• In short, anticipate your logistics operations


APM Terminals Buenos Aires, every time a better #PuertoDigital.
More tools, simpler, more agile, more comfort for our customers!