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Easter 2020 – Operational Schedules

Operational schedules in APM Terminals Barcelona during Easter 2020.

From April the 10th at 14.00 and until April the 11th at 02.00:

  • Vessel operations: Working
  • Railway operations: Stopped
  • Gates: Stopped*

April the 11th from 08.00 a.m. and until 14.00 p.m. on the same day:

  • Vessel operations: Working
  • Railway operations: Stopped
  • Gates: Working (Only for those operations duly announced and confirmed by our operations department before April the 9th at 6.00 p.m. with the proper surcharge)

From April the 11th at 2.00 pm and until 06.00 a.m. on the April the 14th:

  • Vessel operations: Working
  • Railway operations: Stopped
  • Gates: Stopped*

*It is possible to request gates opening during these shifts, subject to quotation acceptance. Please contact Operations department ( Deadline for this request will be on the 9th April at 06.00 pm.

We kindly ask you to bear in mind the above described schedules in order to organize your Operations for the dates announced. 

Please contact customer service ( in case further information is needed.


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