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Operating hours

Vessel operations:

  • 24 hours, 362 days a year.

Land-side operations (gates and rail):

  • Uninterrupted operations from 06.00 hrs on Monday to 02.00 hrs on Saturday
  • Saturday from 08.00 to 14.00 (gate surcharge applied)
  • Possibility to open gates outside these schedules under request and quotation acceptance.

Warehouse services (customs Inspections):

  • Monday to Friday from 08.00 to 12.00 and from 14.00 to 16.00

Additional services (reefer depot):

  • Monday to Friday from 06.00 to 18.00 

Planned holiday closures 2025

 Festivity   Date
 New Year / Año nuevo   01 January
 Reyes / Epiphany  06 January
 Viernes Santo / Good Friday  
 18 April
 Lunes Pascua / Easter Monday
 21 April 
 Día del trabajador /Labour day
 01 May 
 Segunda Pascua 
 9 June
 San Juan / St John's Day 
 24 June 
 Asunción de la Virgen /
 Assumption of Mary 
 15 August 

 Diada Cataluña /
 National Day of Catalonia

 11 September
 La Mercè 
 24 September
 Virgen del Pilar / 
 National Day of Spain
 12 October 
 Día de todos los Santos /
 All Saints' Day
 01 November
 Día de la Constitución /
 Constitution Day 
 06 December 
 Día de la Inmaculada /
 Immaculate Conception
 08 December 
 Nochebuena / Christmas Eve  24 December
 Navidad / Christmas Day
 25 December 
 San Esteban  26 December
 Año nuevo / New Year  31 December 

Please see our News & Customer Advisories for details of upcoming holidays and any changes to operating or gate hours.