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General safety rules for external trucks

Please be aware the the following rules apply for all external truckers while in APM Terminals Algeciras. 

  • The Transtainer Crane (RTG) always has priority on streets and crossroads.

  • Drive in your lane at a maximum of 30 km/h, paying attention to curves and access to intersections, which will be limited to 10-15 km/h.

  • All trucks and vehicles which access to the Terminal must turn right.

  • It is strictly forbidden to exit the truck when loading/unloading containers.

  • The opening and closing of twistlocks shall be carried out only in the safe areas enabled and signposted for this purpose.

  • Mandatory PPE must be worn in twistlock areas.

  • It is prohibited to invade the RTG lane (yellow line).
    Try to keep certain distance from it (about 50cm).
    Don´t invade the safety distance (White line).

  • If you detect an emergency or if you are involved in one, please inform to GATE TEAM: 956671625 / 669663260


General safety rules for external trucks