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COVID 19 - Latest News

In order to convey tranquility and clarity about the times we are going through, we inform you how our operations will be from the decree signed by the National Government.

General description about our Contigency Plan

Please click here to download the file (only in Spanish).

Face Mask Compulsary Use

In force of the resolution of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Economic Development and Production, the Deputy Head of Government and the Head of the Cabinet of Ministers; As of Wednesday, April 15, the compulsory use of face masks (they must compulsorily cover nose, mouth and chin) is established to enter or stay in the Customer Service offices of APM Terminals Buenos Aires and APC, not allowing those who do not comply with said resolution.


We are working on a regular basis, both your import and export operations will be made with their current shifts and without modifications.

In order to accompany you in your logistics chain, in the event that your coordination has been affected by this measure, you can contact our Customer Service Department through Online Requests.


Based on the new measures announced (Providence N ° PV-2020-32400868-APN-GG # AGP) we inform you that:

- The import gate-out and free storage will be extended for all cargoes arriving from March 20, 2020 until June 12 of the current year inclusive
- Export charges for shipment from March 20, 2020 to June 12 of this year will be within the free storage period
We want to accompany you during this process through solutions that allow you to ensure the solidity of your logistics chain while maintaining the quality of our service and reducing your costs.

We remind you that security is our license to operate, therefore, we are taking all the necessary precautionary measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, thus ensuring that your operation is safe.

Contact methods

Online Applications: you can enter by clicking here
Call Center (business days from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.): 0810-555-APMT (2768)
Online applications technical support:

In addition, we remind you that Digital Port is available so that you can coordinate, pay and generate your documentation online, without the need to physically attend our facilities.

We want to keep you constantly informed in order to provide you with the peace of mind that your logistics chain needs, that is why they will have two very agile ways of consulting the latest news available:
Our website will be kept updated at all times, you can consult it through the following link:

Contact number via WhatsApp for immediate notifications on your phone, subscribe:
Send a WhatsApp to +54 9 11 6469- 8574 with the company name and item



1. The hours of attention to the public are reduced. The same will become from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., preventing staff from moving by public transport in rush hour.

2. The capacity to stay on the premises is reduced to a maximum of 30 users, both on hold and operational. Maintaining a prudential distance within it.

3. The temperature will be controlled by both own personnel and users at the time of entering the premises. In the event that it is greater than 38º the person will not be able to enter. In any case, it will be taken into account trying to carry out the operation without the presence of the user within the premises.