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Shraddha Pimpale


Shraddha Pimpale is an Assistant Manager – Roster. She has seen APM Terminals Mumbai, India grow since she started working there in 2004 to a terminal that now processes 2 million 20 foot container equivalent units (TEU). Working at the terminal provides a great work-life balance.

Rahul Padmashali


Rahul Padmashali, a Quay Crane Operator at APM Terminals Mumbai (India) for more than 15 years, expresses his appreciation for the safe and open culture and the support that he and his colleagues receive.

We believe that Employees are our greatest asset and provide them with a challenging professional environment with a high degree of job satisfaction. We are dedicated to the personal and professional growth of our staff, and are continuously refining our training and education platforms. 

Investment in education and training is imperative at APM Terminals Mumbai to successfully resolve challenges in the future. Our training system is specifically directed towards meeting the specific requirements of a world-class terminal. We have our own training facility on campus, known as the ‘Talent Development Centre’. The facility is designed to provide hands-on experience in terminal operations for developing a highly able breed of maritime professionals.

Our experience shows that the suitability of an applicant cannot be evaluated solely based on examination grades and a written application. An individual’s attitude plays a key role in the evaluation.

Qualified professionals for a particular position can expect to be invited for a personal interview with the Human Resources Department. APM Terminals Mumbai seeks people who want to take part in today's exciting terminal operating environment.

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