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Lifting the standard of digital connectivity

We believe that our people and our customers will benefit from an automated digitized and connected terminal experience. This is built on a modern and standardized IT infrastructure and that better connects our physical and digital assets. The result is improved safety, reduced carbon emissions, and providing customers with access to real-time data. 

Digital transformation initiatives will enable us to better serve our customers in a more cost effective and efficient manner. We are introducing Value Added Services that improve our customers experience and supports their changing logistics needs.

Installing Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and devices on our equipment (Over 2,500 pieces as of 2022) is revolutionizing terminal operations. This solution is enabling us to monitor and visualise asset performance in real time, detect operational exceptions as they occur, and provide standardised tools and processes to respond to these.

Our customers don’t want to deal with paper. Now, edge computing with Internet of Things sensors on equipment, that incorporate computer vision and AI can give customers what they’ve longed for, for some time – almost instant access to cargo data upon arrival as well as automated repairs or fixes.
Gavin Layourne - Chief Technology Officer, APM Terminals

Near real-time Edge computing with IoT sensors that incorporate computer vision and AI will give customers what they’ve longed for some time - almost instant access to cargo data upon arrival, as well as automated repairs or fixes. The software can then decide whether there’s an intervention needed, such as maintenance or repair, and that information is released to the customer. Cameras and data collection devices will be installed throughout terminals, via private 5G networks, to monitor for anything, be it theft, lost cargo, or potentially unsafe conditions.

All of this information opens new opportunities for digital solutions that keep customers updated and aid real-time decision making to speed up their supply chain. Watch this space!

Overview of Terminal Automation


Our Way of Working introduced in 2018 has enabled us to develop standardised global solutions which also offer local flexibility to accommodate market needs. This global approach to development means we can significantly speed up the roll-out of industry leading, digital solutions that were developed based on best practices from around the world.