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UN Climate Change Conference Participation

APM Terminals is committed to strict adherence to the principles of the United Nations’ Global Compact’s Principles, and to environmentally sustainable port and terminal operations.

Morocco is hosting the twenty-second session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 22) and the twelfth session of the Conference of the Parties, serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP 12). The global environmental awareness event is being held in Marrakech from November 7th through the 18th.

APM Terminals Tangier MedPort Managing Director Dennis Olesen addressed the event on the topic of “Ports of the Future; Our vision for the future using safety, technology and innovation.”  Green energy sources, such as wind and solar power are emerging as important tools in environmentally sustainable port operations, and are already part of the APM Terminals Global Terminal Network.

Building upon existing expertise in this increasingly important area, which includes APM Terminals Rotterdam Maasvlakte II, the world’s first zero emissions container terminal, APM Terminals is now developing APM Terminals MedPort Tangier, a five million TEU annual throughput deep-water facility scheduled to open in 2019 employing the latest advances in port design and operating technology.

In March 2016 APM Terminals signed a 30-year concession agreement with the Tangier Mediterranean Special Agency (TMSA) for the development of APM Terminals MedPort Tangier, representing an investment of approximately USD $830 million. The first automated container terminal in Africa, APM Terminals MedPort Tangier will also feature 2,000 meters of quay.

“We design sustainability and optimized safety performance into our terminals and other operations from initial concept to operational implementation. Striving for the best possible outcome for our business and society means taking into account our interaction with communities and the natural environment. We aim to avoid, reduce or mitigate potential negative impacts and we manage this through a process called Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)” noted Mr. Olesen.

Visit us at the APM Terminals stand at the conference in Bab Ighli, to learn more.
United Nations COP22 website link: UN Framework Convention on Climate Change - Marrakech Climate Change Conference - Nov 2016