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Revision in Scale of Rates

This is to advise you that Tariff Authority of Major Ports (TAMP) vide order (No. TAMP/30/2020-GTIPL) dated 4th November 2020 further notified in the Gazette of India Extraordinary (Part III Section 4) dated 19th November 2020 vide Gazette No. 508; has revised the Scale of Rates applicable at our terminal. This revisions shall be effective 4th December 2020.

The tariff was revised due to revision in the land lease rentals levied by JNPT effective 18th July following the revision in the land valuation as a part of government policy.  Please note, with this, only the handling charge on general category containers (laden and empty) stands revised. Attached is the order as well as the revised Scale of Rates.



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