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Holiday Reminder - Gate/Appointment Process

Reminder that Friday April 15 is a gate holiday for APM Terminals Mobile, AL.  All of our gate holidays can be found on our website

We would like to ask all dispatchers/drayage providers to adhere to the below two items. We are seeing several issues specific to these items that are causing delays with drivers during their time at the terminal. 

  • The appointment windows in the Termpoint should be followed to the best of ability by the drayage providers. If drivers are arriving prior to the planned start time or arriving after the end time of the window, the driver can be rejected at the gate to have the appointment adjusted to the correct time slot. As we work on efficiencies of the facility, we appreciate the efforts put forth to make sure driver appointments are within the correct timeframe of their arrival.
  • There has been a recent increase in drivers arriving with their appointments made with incorrect information. Driver tag numbers must match the truck tag that driver is using on that day as the operations team utilizes that tag number in various stages of the driver experience. If a chassis is a pool chassis, the dispatcher should be placing that number in the appointment as this is key to the gate process and chassis billing.  If drayage providers are not placing this information correctly, it will cause delays with the driver during the gate process and likely is causing chassis billing issues.


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