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Customers verdict is clear – “Significant improvements in 2018”

We conduct annual customer satisfaction surveys, and the results from 2018 have arrived. Overall, the improvements in 2018 are significant. We increased the number of interviewees and the response rate overall was on par with the industry.

The Net Promotor Score (NPS) is a widely accepted measure for Customer Loyalty, and we see improvements on all measures in the survey! 

The top increase is on productivity for our vessel customers and our approach in communicating changes and their impacts. Thank you for your contribution, we shall continue to have the customer experience in focus also in 2019.

The scores on gate-to-gate time also improved compared to 2017, and while the handling time in minutes is now below pan-European average handling time, we still receive feedback to improve the gate experience. This will continue to be in focus for 2019, where the self-service gates are one mean to improve this.

We of course also have issues which we need to improve. Many improvement projects are underway, and we will soon be able to launch new products that lift the experience for you as a customer to the terminal.