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Planned holiday closures for 2022

Please find below the planned operational schedule for 2022 for APM Terminals Gijon.  Advanced notice will be provided in this News section prior to each holiday. Full details of operating hours can be found on our Operating Hours page.

 Festivity   Date starts  Time starts  Date ends  Time ends  Description
 New Year    01 January  8:00  02 January  4:00  No marine operations / gate in/out closed
 Reyes   06 January  8:00  06 January  4:00  No marine operations / gate in/out closed
 01 March   8:00   01 March   20:00   Gate in/out closed
 Jueves Santo  14 April  8:00   15 April   20:00  Gate in/out closed
 Viernes Santo  
 15 April  8:00   16 April   20:00  Gate in/out closed
 Labour day 
 01 May   8:00   02 May   4:00   No marine operations
 Labour day     02 May  8:00   02 May  20:00  Gate in/out closed
 San Pedro  29 June   8:00  25 June   20:00  Gate in/out closed
 Virgen del Carmen 
 16 July   8:00   17 July   4:00   Saturday - voluntary labour (might imply gang shortage)
 Assumption Day 
 15 August   8:00   16 August   20:00   Gate in/out closed
 Dia Asturias     08 September  8:00   08 September  20:00  Gate in/out closed
 Virgen del Pilar 
 12 October   8:00   13 October   20:00   Gate in/out closed
 01 November   8:00    02 November   20:00  Gate in/out closed
 06 December   8:00    07 December   20:00   Gate in/out closed
 08 December   8:00    09 December   20:00   Gate in/out closed
 Christmas Day  25 December  8:00   26 December  4:00  No marine operations / gate in/out  closed