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Union Customs Code (UCC)

What is UCC- Union Customs code?

The UCC is the legislative key for customs formalities within the European Union.

The UCC was adopted on 9 October 2013 as Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council

It entered into force on 30 October 2013 although most of its substantive provisions apply from 1 May 2016.

Authorities established a transitory period of 3 years.

From May 1, 2019 the terminals must control customs status of all units that leave the terminal


This new regulation implies the assumption of new obligations and procedures, and therefore, they force terminals to expand their services, that must be provided mandatory by law.

But what is the real change?

Terminal operations fall under the scope of “temporary storage” of the Regulation, therefore since this date, port terminals must be auth by customs authority like temporary storage facility (DTA).

In consequence, many of the functions/procedures currently handled by shipping lines /customs agents will be transferred to terminal responsibility.