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Five local associations selected by APM Terminals Spanish Gateways’ Social Action Awards jury

logo-social-action-awardsAPM Terminals Spanish Gateways has received the jury's decision for the first edition of its Social Action Awards. Five non-profit organisations focused on helping children and supporting patients in the communities around the terminals were selected. These projects were sponsored by employees of the terminals in Valencia, Barcelona, Castellón and Gijón.

One of the winning associations was the Asociación de Padres y Amigos de Cardiopatías Congénitas (APACI) of Asturias, which will use the donation for an information and accommodation service for children with cardiovascular conditions and their families in the Community of Madrid to receive treatment.

Also dedicated to children, Pallapupas, from Barcelona, will receive help from the Social Action Awards to accompany children who have to undergo surgery in hospital with clowns.

Chat support for vulnerable children

Another award-winning project was the chat support line provided by the ANAR Foundation in Valencia, as a tool for the protection of children. Furthermore, the Associaciò Contra l'Anorèxia i la Bulìmia of Barcelona will use its award to continue the psychosocial care for families.

For the Oncolliga Foundation in Barcelona, the donation will give a small boost to its rehabilitation centre for larynx cancer patients, as part of the Recovering the Voice project. 

In this first edition, a sixth association could not be bypassed by judges. The Association for Relatives and People with Autism in Martorell (Barcelona) will receive two iPads, which will help support its associates with information and communication technologies.

International Volunteer Day

APM Terminals Spanish Gateways made the jury’s verdict for the first edition of the Social Action Awards during the week which celebrated International Volunteer Day. This was a symbolic tribute to those who support those in need. In total, the winning associations will receive 25,000 euros, and the award-ceremony will take place next Thursday, December 16, in Barcelona, in compliance with COVID-19 prevention measures in force.

APM Terminals Spanish Gateways Social Action Awards is an initiative that aims to contribute to the implementation of projects of non-profit organisations for social, educational, sporting and cultural development in the communities where we operate, involving both the company and its employees.