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First ‘Fast Corridor’ provides uninterrupted link between Vado Ligure and inland customer

APM Terminals Vado Ligure’s first dedicated ‘Fast Corridor’ has opened between its reefer terminal’s temporary storage warehouse and customer Nord Ovest, located 75 kilometres away in Mondovi, Italy. A Fast Corridor allows import containers to pass directly through the terminal, without the issue of T1 customs transit documents.

Fast Corridors are made possible by both the customer and Terminal being Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) certified. Containerized goods unloaded in the Vado Ligure terminal then travel on vehicles/rail wagons equipped with satellite devices monitored by the Customs Authority. Fast Corridors were made possible by a new directive issued by the Italian Customs Agency in 2019.

Fast Corridors offer a number of benefits for the Terminal and the Customer, including:

  • No customs formalities at the Port: The Customer guarantees the fiscal credit to the Customs Agency and is responsible for the goods.
  • Zero customs inspections at the Port: Inspections are carried out at the customers facilities.
  • Faster supply-chain: Due to continuous data flow between the different subjects involved in the logistics cycle, a single customs window and integrated customs processes.
  • Reduction of port congestion: Reduction of idle time at entry port, turning into savings on container storage costs for the end customer.
  • Improved safety: Continuous monitoring of cargo movements along the Fast Corridor route.

“Due to the many benefits of this approach, which has been enabled using the latest digital interfaces, we’re confident that an increasing number of our customers will take advantage of this opportunity in the near future,” said Daniela Mossa, Commercial Manager at APM Terminals Vado. “Reducing idle time and speeding up the transfer of goods towards the final destination, is good for the environment, saves time, improves efficiency and ultimately benefits the end customer.”

The request to open a Fast Corridor from Vado Ligure can be made by any AEO certified Vado Gateway customer by contacting the Customs and Monopolies Agency. After confirming that requirements are met, they will issue the relative authorization.

Vado Ligure Port Complex

The Vado Port System is made up of two well integrated terminals: APM Terminals' existing Reefer Terminal and its new semi-automated terminal, the Vado Gateway.  In 2019, Vado Ligure became the first semi-automated port in Italy with a fully-automated gate and stacking yard  The Vado Ligure Port Complex is one of the most competitive terminals in Europe, combining innovation, automation, intermodal connectivity and the ability to offer fully integrated and complex services such as cold storage, project cargo, Ro-Ro and intermodal transport.