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Rail-out by Bill of Lading

Hinterland importers at times face challenges with regards to clearance at  ICD’s due to part receipt of containers in the Bill of Lading (BL). Ideally, such importers want to have all containers belonging to a BL, arrive on the same train so that they can clear the containers together and conduct the empty repos in a timely fashion.

APM Terminals Mumbai has made it possible for Shipping Lines, at the importer's request, to raise an Additional Service Request (ASR) for priority loading of the containers on rake as per BL-Wise. Basis. We will load all the containers and will rail out together on single rake.

Charges for this service:

  • INR 2029/20’ & 3044/40’ will be charged for the service.

Order Service:

  • Consignee need to approach Shipping line to avail this service from terminal.
  • At importer's request, shipping line will raise ASR through Customer Service Portal by selecting service “Priority rail loading new” against the containers under one bill of lading.
  • Once the ASR is received from Line, Basis the ASR, terminal will further process to load all the containers under one bill of lading on the same rake.