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Monsoon Preparedness

Dear Valued Clients,

Greetings from APM Terminals Mumbai!

This is to advise you over the preparedness on account of the approaching Monsoon season. We saw multiple instances of vessel surge involving mooring ropes parting at the terminal over the last monsoon season. We have had instances where multiple ropes parted simultaneously and vessel moved away from berth leading to gangway falling into the water.  As you are aware, such instances are not only critical on account of the damage that can be caused to vessel, cargo, wharf and equipment but it can also have a serious safety threat. Moreover, this adds to delays on stretched schedule of the vessel due to inclement weather at sea.

In view of the above, we request the all vessel operators to ensure the following during their vessel’s stay at the terminal:

  • Sound working condition of mooring ropes
  • Masters of vessel to ensure additional mooring ropes in place, in case occasion demands
  • Constant watch on the mooring ropes by the vessel crew and immediate corrective action towards slackening, if any
  • Both forward and after moorings to be tended by adequate crew members during passage of another vessel alongside.
  • Caution watch as other vessel passes by during changeover at the port
  • Masters of vessel to ensure Auto Tensioner is in working condition on the vessels
  • Vessel crew to initiate immediate action if any slackness in mooring ropes is reported by APM Terminals Mumbai staff
  • Masters of vessel to be intimated immediately and all operations stopped in case of any emergency arising thereof

Request your support to ensure that both Terminal and Port Marine Authority guidelines are followed over the season. The terminal reserves the right to suspend operations in case of any unresolved safety concerns.

Further, it is to inform that any lapse on the part of vessels in practicing the control measures as above, JNPT Marine will be notified for immediate unberthing of the vessel or deploy a tug alongside the vessel. All applicable charges shall be borne by the shipper or vessel agent.

We solicit your kind cooperation with regards to the above points. Your support will help in making APM Terminals Mumbai a safe working place.


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