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Advisory: "BL Wise Rail Out" at GTI Nhava Sheva

Dear Valued Customers,

Greeting from APMT Terminal Mumbai!!

We are pleased to update that, we have recently launched our new product “BL Wise Rail Out”. We understood from the trade that hinterland importers at times face challenges with regards to clearance at the ICD’s due to part receipt of containers in the BL. Ideally, such importers would like to have all containers belonging to a BL, arrive on the same train so that they can clear such containers together and conduct the empty repo in a timely fashion.

However, in order to meet this requirement of the trade, we @ GTI has successfully placed a functionality, where the Shipping Line upon the request of Importer can raise ASR for priority loading of the containers on rake as per BL Wise. Basis the ASR, terminal will load the containers on very 1st available rake.

Given that hinterland importers have a direct relationship with you, please share this development to your hinterland customers to avail this service as & when required.

In case of assistance, please feel free to reach out to the customer service desk.

Thanks and regards.