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Advisory: Annual indexation on terminal Scale of Rates 2021

Dear Valued Clients,

Greetings from APM Terminals Mumbai!

This is to advise you that Tariff Authority of Major Ports (TAMP) has announced an annual indexation of 0.33% at 60% of the WPI variation, towards the existing Scale of Rates applicable under 2019 TAMP guidelines.

This tariff indexation, applicable for Gateway Terminal India Private Limited, shall be applicable on the terminal’s current Scale of rates and shall remain effective 1st May 2021 until 30th April 2022. This indexation shall be applicable on all existing tariff items listed in the Scale of Rates except Toll, MUC charges for the LDB services rendered by the DMICDC and Inter-terminal Rail handling related charges.

Thus, all invoices generated effective 1st May 2021 shall be as per the revised rates.

Thanks and regards.


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