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Support towards transition into N4

Dear Valued Clients,

Greetings from APM Terminals Mumbai!

As you are aware that we have gone live with N4. The transition was effected smoothly at the terminal and all operations are going on as per plan.

The upcoming changes towards information exchange impacting cargo movement have been shared through various advisories, Webinars and training sessions. However, in order to further close the gaps in understanding, please note the following pointers:

1. Generation of e-Form 13 using mass upload functionality

a. Incorrect data is being updated in mass upload files, such as

I. Wrong origin being entered for Empty containers (instead of ‘E’ as defined and shared in the manual).

II. Three character POD codes begin updated instead of the revised five character code now implemented.

The above and other changes have been appropriately defined and advised in the manual shared with you all and also available on our website through the link below: 

2. Sharing of Form 11 pre-advise

a. Form 11 pre-advise is to be shared through N4 CAP and not through email. Formats towards the same are already shared vide earlier advisories and detailed documents are available on the website for reference.

b. Status of uploaded form 11 can be checked from EDI batches (under EDI tab in N4 CAP).

c. Appropriate file should be uploaded in the session selected in N4 CAP i.e. if Form 11 is selected then Form 11 file only should be uploaded.


3. Accessing N4 CAP and CSP:

a. N4 CAP can be used to track containers, uploading EDI for From 11 and ITT pre-advise.

b. CSP should be used for the following:

I. Export e-Form 13

II. Import PIN generation

III. Allocation of empty containers to transporters

IV. Raising ASR (as before)

c. Any issues with login of the above portals should be resolved by the line; we shall not be sharing any account password with third party vendors appointed by you for sake good order and compliance.


We solicit your support to ensure that the above is followed to ensure seamless cargo flow.

Note: Please cascade this communication to all relevant members in your organisation.


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