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Operations Resume at GTI – N4 Go-Live

Dear Valued Stakeholders,

Greetings from APM Terminals Mumbai!

We are pleased to advise that, thanks to your support, all the scheduled activities leading towards N4 Go-Live have been successfully completed well within the schedule advised. The terminal operation has recommenced as follows:

  • Customs Approval at parking plaza recommenced at 0001hrs, 18th January’21.
  • Gate-IN Operations recommenced at 0100hrs, 18th January’21.
  • Rail operations recommenced at 0730hrs, 18th January 2021.
  • Vessel operations recommenced at 0900hrs, 18th January 2021.
  • Import PIN Generation and Export E-form13 recommenced at 0300hrs, 18th January’21.
  • N4 CAP and CSP went live at 0300hrs, 18th January’21.

With this we have now recommenced operations in all aspects at the terminal. We look forward towards your continued support to help us successfully realise our full potential in the new N4 TOS environment.


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