ICD Mulund and ICD Tarapur designated as 'Extended Port Gates' for movement of DPD containers
In order to facilitate the Trade, JNCH vide Public Notices no. 48/2020 and 51/2020 has designated ICD Mulund and ICD Tarapur as 'Extended Port Gates' for movement of DPDDPD containers from JN Port Terminals. DPD-DPD procedure as per PN 63 / 2008 dated 01/09/2008 stands temporarily revised.
Implementation of the aforesaid Public Notices will lead to the following working procedures at APM Terminals Mumbai (Gateway Terminals India Pvt. Ltd.) for movement of DPD-DPD containers:
- From 10.04.2020, Movement of DPD-DPD containers nominated to CFS after 48 Hrs has been stopped with the exceptions as mentioned in Para 7.5 of PN 48/2020 and Para 7.3 of PN 51/2020. DPD-DPD containers lying in APM Terminals Mumbai yards for more than 48 Hrs. will now be moved to ICD Mulund or ICD Tarapur, instead of shipping line choice of CFS wef 00:00 hrs
on 13.04.2020. Till that time delivery of DPD containers can be permitted by the terminal. - For containers marked to ICD Mulund or ICD Tarapur No Out of Charge (OOC) and / or e-DO and/or manual DO from the shipping lines would need to be verified by the Terminal before loading of DPD containers on Rake.
- The Mode of containers will be changed from Truck to Rail and Destination, if necessary, without NOC of shipping lines. No charges will be levied by Port on shipping lines for this activity.
- Further in accordance with JNCH PN 52/2020, delivery of DPD-DPD containers will be allowed to importer through Gate - up to 48 hrs from Terminal OR for such further period as prescribed under various Public Notices issued by JNCH.
- In case any DPD container is selected for scanning then such containers will be moved to DRT CFS along with other containers under that Bill of Lading. In case the PDA of DPD DPD Importer is negative then DPD containers of such importers will be kept under HOLD in the terminal till payment is received from the importer. Through this advisory, all DPD importers are advised to make payments & Top-up the respective PDAs at APM Terminals Mumbai to facilitate delivery of containers.
- Since the mode of containers has changed from road to rail, please be advised that for DPD containers that are moved to ICD Mulund or ICD Tarapur the storage charges are billed to shipping lines and DPD Shifting charges are not billed for such containers.
- Importers that have opted to pay Terminal handling charges directly to the terminal, will be guided by Import FAQs uploaded on our website www.apmtmumbai.com
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