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Dear Valued Clients,

Greetings from APM Terminals Mumbai!

This is to advise you that in order to limit the risk of any potential outbreak, without impacting the berth integrity and vessel schedule, the following shall be implemented with immediate effect:

Vessel inspection Documents:

 SR.NO.  Document Name
 1  Vessel Gangway wire rope certificates
 2   Mooring Rope certificate
 3  Port of Call & Crew list
 4  Material lifting derrick wire rope certificate
 5  Mooring rope auto tensioners availability
 6  Sign on Vessel safety inspection sheet
  • Vessel planners would submit arrival/departure baplie/edi files once during arrival of vessel and prior departure. Any communication /changes in plan to be communicated by phone/mails to avoid frequent visits on board.
  • Acknowledgement by vessel prior commencement of operations in the form of pre-lashing certificate etc to be received by terminal soonest upon berthing/submission.
  • Acknowledgement of Damage reports for damage containers being discharged to be provided prior sailing of vessel. Terminal to maintain a format with container details/damage etc which is to be acknowledged by the vessel Duty officer at the gangway whenever brought to his notice. The actual damage reports will be submitted prior sailing of vessel by the terminal.
  • Final lashing report to be acknowledged by vessel without delay.

Solicit your cooperation towards implementation of the above to ensure that vessels are handled smoothly and with minimal interactions safeguarding all concerned.


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