New Outbound Roadability Process
Dear Customer,
Please share the below changes to our roadability processes with drivers and other relevant members of your team to avoid any confusion at the terminal. Please read in combination with our updated terminal map.
Stamps are no longer required to exit the terminal, except for outbound full and empty reefers.
- All reefers (empty & full) still require a stamp from reefer roadability.
- The Express Roadability lanes are closed.
- Outbound loads do not have to stop at Roadability unless chassis repair is required.
Lanes #1-3 are designated for chassis repairs on pool chassis only: tires, lights and mudflaps.
All empties must stop at Lanes #4-11 at Roadability.
- Truck drivers with outbound empties that fail to stop at or circumvent roadability will be issued a citation as a warning for first offenses.
- Second offense will lead to a two (2) week suspension
New Trouble Ticket Messages at Out Gate
If further inspection is required, driver will receive a trouble ticket directing him/her to outbound roadability Lane #12. The TIR inspector in Lane #12 will determine if there is no damage, or condition (if minor or major damage).
Major or Minor damage on outbound loads, if safe to move over the road, will be updated in the system and allowed to proceed to out gate.
Empty containers
- (if Minor damage) – driver will need to return the container to the yard and pick up another one.
- (if Major damage) - driver will be directed to M&R area, Row 219, to drop the empty and will need to return to yard to pick up another one.
New Chassis Pinning Station (outbound)
A New chassis pinning station was installed after the eight (8) outbound gate kiosks right before entering the CBP RPM portals.
Drivers do not have to stop for Security, but they should stop to pin their chassis before entering the outbound CBP RPM portals.
Drivers should not stop in the Yard or at Roadability to pin their chassis.
- Drivers exiting the terminal with outbound empties are also allowed to pin their chassis while inside the roadability garage.
New Outbound Signage (see map)
All Outbound Loads. Two (2) signs are installed between OCR OUT #1-2 and OCR OUT #2-3 on jersey barriers after exiting the OCR OUT shed.
Chassis Repair Only. Signs installed above Lanes #1-3 at Roadability (pool chassis only.)
Roadability & All Outbound Empty Inspections signs installed above Lanes #4-11 at Roadability
Secondary Inspection. Signs installed above Lane #12 at Roadability. We’re adding another Secondary Inspection sign to help direct drivers to this lane.
Inbound Lanes
Effective 3/28/2022, all pool chassis (i.e., Trac, DCLI) are to use Lanes #14-24
- If a driver with a non-pool/fleet chassis enters In Gate Lanes #14-24, the driver will get a trouble ticket and must exit the terminal through Exit. Drivers Assistance will not be able to assist with these trouble tickets.
- Inbound live reefers should continue to use In Gate Lanes #1-2 regardless of the chassis type.
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