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Contingency Measures for Potential Work Stoppage

NOTE: Please see updates to this situation posted on October 3.

Dear Valued Customers and Stakeholders, 

As we approach a potential International Longshoremen's Association (ILA) strike on  October 1, 2024, we want to reassure you that APM Terminals Mobile is fully dedicated to ensuring operational continuity and minimizing any disruptions to your supply chain. We have developed a comprehensive contingency plan designed to address various scenarios, allowing us to maintain the highest standards of service during this time. 

That being said, we strongly encourage arrangements to remove cargo from the terminal prior to October 1st, whether such cargo is still within free time or already incurring demurrage. APM Terminals Mobile expects some congestion immediately following any work stoppage as we work through the backlogs created.   

Given the fluid nature of the situation, we are committed to keeping you informed and working closely with you to navigate any challenges that may arise as the date approaches. 

Key Elements of Our Contingency Plan: 

  • Gate Operations: APM Terminals Mobile will resume normal gate hours (6AM for Orange Pass and 7AM– 5 PM) on Monday, September 30th.  
    o Exports: Export will be received as usual, with regular gate cutoffs through Monday, September 30th, except for live reefers.  
    o Imports: Import delivery will proceed as normal. We will offer additional Saturday gates on September 21st and September 28th from 8 AM-5PM upon request. 
    o Empties: Both inbound and outbound empty deliveries will continue as normal. 
    o Out-of-Gauge (OOG): OOG operations will be handled normally. 
  • Rail Operations: Rail operations will continue as normal through Monday, September 30th. Please consult your rail providers for any updates or changes to their operational plans. 
  • Vessel Operations: Vessel operations will proceed as scheduled, in coordination between ocean carriers and APM Terminals Mobile. 
  • Reefer Operations: We highly encourage customers to retrieve all live reefer imports prior to the close of business September 30th. Export reefers will be accepted up to the cutoff of any vessel scheduled to work prior to September 30th. However, APM  Terminals Mobile will not be responsible for loss or damage to contents of reefers not loaded on vessels or not picked up before the close of business September 30th as they will not be monitored and maintained if the terminal is closed due to work stoppage.  
  • Demurrage: Cargo still within its free time as of the commencement of a strike will have its free time frozen until the strike ends and demurrage fees will not be incurred during any strike period. Free time will resume immediately upon resumption of operations. For any cargo that is already in demurrage, we highly recommend that it be removed from the terminal prior to the close of business on September 30th.   
  • Resumption of Operations: For the latest updates, please stay informed through our regular e-alerts and the APM Terminals Port Mobile website: 
    To subscribe to e-alerts, sign up on the link below: 

We remain focused on minimizing the impact on your operations and will provide updates as the situation evolves. Thank you for your continued trust in APM Terminals Mobile.