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Modernized Terminal - Trucking Community Update

Update 30 June 2020: Online training sessions have now been completed. Visit our Learning Resources page if you missed the training and would like to learn more.

Original News Item

Good Afternoon Trucking Community,

This is an update regarding the opening of the Modernized section of the Pier 400.

Turns out we still have some work to do and therefore the “Go Live” date has been postponed. We will continue to provide updates including a firm date with sufficient notice in order for all companies and drivers to be prepared.  

In the meantime, we will be offering additional training sessions over the next two weeks (outlined below). For those that have already attended one of our sessions, thank you for your time and participation. As promised, on this page you will find links to the information presented in our training sessions; the materials are provided in both English and Spanish to help with the training of all staff and drivers on navigating in the modernized section of Pier 400. (The YouTube video is coming soon!).

Reminder: The training sessions are conducted using Microsoft Teams.  If you do not already have the Microsoft Teams application installed on your computer please click: for download and installation instructions.