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VGM (Verified Gross Mass)

Verified Gross Mass (VGM) is a mandatory requirement for all containerized cargo exported via this terminal, and for all general cargo discharged or loaded from and to vessels within the terminal. Customers can opt for VGM Generation or VGM confirmation (for cargo weighed at customers facility) in line with IMO guidelines.

APM Terminals Liberia has two calibrated digital weigh bridges for containers and two for general cargo, for the safe, fast and reliable handling of customer cargos.

All weighing equipment conforms with requirements for the National Standard Laboratory certification. Staff receive special training to use the VGM system to generate and issue data of cargo weights.

For added convenience and speed, VGM data is provided directly to the shipping line and the Shipping line shares VGM weight with the customer.

  • VGM quickly communicated to the Shipping Line
  • Certified weighing equipment
  • Max weight of the weigh bridge: 80 metric tons