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Process changes for digital process improvements

Dear valued Customer,

We are excited to inform you that we are moving up another level in digitalizing our operations to improve your customer experience at APM Terminals Liberia.

APM Terminals Liberia will implement the following changes to the processes at the Billing section at one stop shop (OSS) to improve and speed up service delivery and document processing:

  1. Stamping of invoices and receipts will be discontinued – going forward, your original invoices and receipts will be sent to your online account on the customer portal where you can get it and print a copy if you need to.
  2. Scanning of bank deposit slips and invoice for cashier receipts will be discontinued – our finance team will use details in the data from real time deposits in our account to issue the receipts directly to your online account on the customer portal where you can get it and print it out if you need to.
  3. Declarant billing on behalf of consignee will be discontinued – this will help to speed up and reduce complication in the process as declarants are not in the system. Using a declarant account to bill will lead to invoices and receipts not going to actual customer account.
  4. Broker booking truck appointment for consignee only with written authorization 
  5. Issue resolution – all customer interaction with APMT Liberia including issues, inquiries, requests, follow up, challenges, etc. should be directed to our APMT Liberia Customercare team email: for swift/timely redress and resolution through our case management process. Follow up calls for urgent issues can be made to +231777014333.
  6. There will be a customer workshop to further educate customers on how to use and get the most out of our online services.
  7. These initiatives will be rolled out gradually starting now and be in full swing effective Feb. 1 2022.