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Prepaid customer process & requirements

Dear valued Customer,

Kindly find below a simplified process and requirements for becoming a Prepaid customer with APMT Liberia.

Prepaid customer

Prepaid customers are customers that deposit cash (no limit) into APMT’s account for payments of all bills for services rendered the customer by APMT Liberia.

Being a Prepaid customer eliminates delays in your clearing process at APMT and allow you to execute urgent billing in a timely manner.

Terms & conditions

  • Customer must do deposit at least 1 hours before requesting a bill
  • All customer transaction must be done online where possible
  • Being a Prepaid customer does not give you preferential treatment status


  • Customer deposit cash into APMT's account
  • Customer takes bank deposit slip to OSS
  • OSS scan bank deposit slip and share with APMT GSC team
  • GSC creates payment on customer account and shares current balance with customer
  • GSC shares balance with customer on monthly basis