Tender notice for year 2021
APM Terminals Bahrain, a public listed company, operating Khalifa Bin Salman Port at Hidd, Bahrain, is looking for qualified suppliers to provide the below services.
We invite the suppliers who are interested to participate in any of the below tenders by sending us their brief profile on email id “purbah@apmterminals.com”
- Labor & Stevedoring Services, Tender no# BAH/LSSC/2021/003
- Shuttle Bus Services (Internal and External), Tender no# BAH/SBSC/2021/001
- Catering Services 24/7 inside port, Tender no# BAH/CS/2021/002
- Supply/Transport of Diesel from BAPCO to the port storage tank and provide fuel bowser to use inside the port - Tender no# BAH/STFD/2021/004
The bidder should meet below minimum requirements and mention respective TENDER no. in your email subject:
- Working experience in same field at least 5 years in reputed private/public firms.
- Last date of sending email confirmation of interest /profile is 01st Feb 2021.
The tender process will be initiated later with shortlisted companies.
If interested, please email with tender reference number in subject to:
Procurement Manager
APM Terminals Bahrain B.S.C(Public)
Email: purbah@apmterminals.com
Tel: +973 17365520 or +973 17365516
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