1.1Call for General Shareholders' Meeting The General Management of SOCIEDAD PORTUARIA TERMINAL DE CONTENEDORES DE BUENAVENTURA S.A, TCBUEN S.A., is pleased to call for an extraordinary meeting of the General Shareholders' Meeting to be held on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, at 9:00 a.m., non-presentially, under the terms of Article 19 of Law 222 of 1995, modified by Article 148 of Decree Law 019 of 2012 and by Article 1 of Decree 398 of 2020 of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism. The agenda to be discussed will be as follows:
1. Verification of quorum. 2. Reading of the agenda. 3. Appointment of the president and secretary of the assembly. 4. Appointment of the committee to approve the minutes of the assembly. 5. Profit distribution project. 6. Election of the board of directors.
To this end, the company will offer all shareholders the possibility of attending the aforementioned extraordinary session remotely, through a web tool where they can log in using a user account that will be assigned to each shareholder. For the activation of the user account, the pertinent instructions will be sent to each of the shareholders to the email addresses registered in our databases. If you need to update your personal email address, please inform us at juridico@tcbuen.com or Legal.TCBUEN@apmterminals.com.
To enter the assembly:
1. You must do so from a computer with internet access and use the Chrome browser to ensure good audio, video, recording, voting, and quorum verification. 2. The assembly will be held on the TCBUEN portal: https://www.apmterminals.com/es/buenaventura, where you should look for the "Practical Information" button, "Shareholders" option. Then, you should select the "Enter HERE to the Assembly" button and then enter your username and password. You will also receive an email notification in your inbox with the connection link. 3. Follow the steps in the manual for pre-registration, registration, entry, and participation in the assembly, which you will find at the following link: https://www.apmterminals.com/es/buenaventura/practical-information/shareholders.
If you cannot participate directly, you may be represented by a proxy under the terms of Article 184 of the Commercial Code. However, by legal prohibition, proxies may not be granted to persons directly or indirectly linked to the administration or employees of the company.
• Duly completed power of attorney.
• Copy of the principal's identity document.
• Copy of the proxy's identity document.
• Proxy's email address, in order to assign a user account to participate in the non-presential meeting.
b. Legal entity:
• Duly completed power of attorney.
• Certificate of existence and legal representation of the shareholder legal entity, issued no more than 2 months ago.
• Copy of the identity document of the legal representative who signs the power of attorney.
• Copy of the proxy's identity document.
• Proxy's email address, in order to assign a user account to participate in the non-presential meeting.