We are an equal opportunities employer, offering the chance to be part of a high-performance team and experience company-wide, professional, dynamic activities backed by a truly competitive package.
Fraud alert
SCCT and Apmoller Marsk group are the only official job portals to post our jobs, Also SCCT doesn’t charge any applications, processing- or training fee to proceed with the recruitment process. If you have questions about vacancy announcements you may have received, please refer to recruit@scctportsaid.com
Our Recruitment Process
Stage 1: Register
The first step in your application is very straightforward. Find a vacancy that suits your interests and qualifications. Once you’ve found a position in the vacancies area you can start filling in your online application right away.
Stage 2: Language Telephone Interview – For White collars
A 30 minute call at a suitable time for you, to find out more about you, why you want to work with us, and to measure your ability to communicate and express yourself in the English language
Stage 3: Online Test
Logical Indicator Test: A limited time exam testing the logical behavior of the candidate.
Predictive Index Test: A psychometric test measuring the suitability of the candidate to occupy the position.
Stage 4: Basic Competencies Test – For White Collars
Language skills Test: You will be asked to answer a language skills test as per job requirement.
Computer Skills Test: In these test you will use a computer to answer MS Office related questions.
Stage 5: Competency-based interview
How passionate are you about developing a career with us? That’s what we want to discover during our interview with you.
We will ask you challenging questions to give us a better understanding of your motivations and how well the program would suit you.
The interview is also the ideal opportunity for you to answer any questions you might have.
Stage 6: Business Interview
After you successfully pass the assessment center, you will have a final interview with the hiring manager.
Stage 7: Final feedback
In this stage, you will receive a formal letter with the final decision.
Current Vacancies
Search our global job vacancies database for a suitable position.
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