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APM Terminals Algeciras donates 32,000 euros to 9 non-profit associations from Campo de Gibraltar

Social Action Awards ceremony recommences after an atypical year due to the pandemic, with limited capacity event with non-profit associations, sponsors and APM Terminals Management Team

The APM Terminals Algeciras Social Action Award’s Ceremony recommenced today. The event was held in accordance with guidance from health authorities, with reduced capacity and only with the presence of the representatives of the non-profit associations and select members of APM Terminals Algeciras Management Team. During the ceremony symbolic checks were delivered to the 9 award-winning collectives from Campo de Gibraltar.

“For us, the Social Action Awards are very important, because they allow us to thank the winning associations for the work they do, despite the difficulties,” said Keld Pedersen, Managing Director of APM Terminals West-Med Hub.

In this eighth edition of the Social Action Awards, APM Terminals Algeciras has awarded 32,000 euros to different projects, which this year are focused on caring for the sick, preventing addictions, caring for the elderly and assisting people with financial difficulties.

The winners of 2021

One of the winning groups in the 2021 edition of the Social Action Awards was Coordinadora Barrio Vivo, sponsored by Emilio Checa to develop sports and leisure activities for young people at risk of social exclusion. Another award given to Asociación Cultural León de Juda, sponsored by Julio Martinez Trujillo, will serve to support his work at the Botafuegos Penitentiary Center.

In addition, the Asociación de Esclerosis Multiple del Campo de Gibraltar, sponsored by Rosa León, will purchase rehabilitation equipment and a defibrillator with the donation of APM Terminals algeciras. The Asociación Comarcal de Minusvalidos del Campo de Gibraltar will be able to purchase materials to teach a craft bookbinding workshop, and the Asociación de Ataxias (AGATA), sponsored by Rosario Ramos Blanquer, will buy furniture and an air conditioning unit for the premises where they hold workshops for people with disabilities.