Japan port

Facility Introduction.

Yokohama Berth Layout

Acknowledged as a port of international strategic significance, berths MC1-4 are all equipped with reinforced seismic technology to withstand natural disasters. APM Terminals Japan has the deepest water berth in Japan with a total length of 1,600 m and a draft of 18m. It is equipped with state-of-the-art STS cranes with a maximum outreach of 24 rows.

The terminal covers a total area of 854,000 m2 and has an annual handling capacity of approximately 2.4 million TEU, which is unprecedented in Japan. The terminal has the option of increasing handling capacity through expansion onto neighbouring land.

APM Terminals Japan is the only terminal in Japan capable of handling vessels of over 14,000 TEU with capabilities up to 24,000 TEU. Since the terminals was established in 2001, we are proud to have consistently achieved the highest productivity in the industry so far, and we aim to provide the best levels of service from our four quays and fully integrated operation.

In order to improve accessibility to the yard, we have added two gates and introduced CONPAS, a container loading / unloading advance reservation system developed by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism for the first time in Japan. We have also set up a truck waiting area in front of each gate. Through various efforts, we are working to reduce congestion in front of the gate and reduce truck waiting time.

The geographical advantage of being the terminal closest to the entrance to Tokyo Bay results in shorter voyage times in the bay and the associated cost savings for shipping lines.

As a gateway connecting the world and Japan, we have the best domestic feeder network in Japan from Hokkaido in the north to Kyushu in the south, as well as a well-developed coastal sea route network in Asia, as well as being located on major Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean trade routes.

At a glance

Terminal Specification MC 1-2 MC 3-4
Quay length 700m 900m
Depth 16m 18m
Gantry cranes 22 rows  x 5 24 rows  x 5
Gate lanes
In: 15
Out: 3
In: 12
Out: 3
Reefer Connections  1,272  1,320
Area 854,000 m2
Annual throughput 2.4m TEU