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Bootcamp Kaizen Event: teamwork for continuous improvement

We successfully organised the first APM Terminals Kaizen Bootcamp Event that integrated the hearts and brains of 7 teams in Valencia and Barcelona to learn, implement, get results and enjoy!

APM Terminals Spanish Gateways put during week 8 all hearts and brains in the game to celebrate an intense week of Bootcamp Kaizen Event 2023. An initiative that has involved more than a hundred people, and a pioneer in APM Terminals to support our business and improve it, with no less than 7 continuous improvement teams -kaizens-, two of them in Barcelona and 5 in Valencia, to create synergies with other terminals, collaborate and learn with our colleagues and achieve excellent results for the satisfaction of our customers.

During the week, Security, Commercial, Maintenance and Operations... the component areas of the 7 kaizens went to gemba -the place where facts happen- in order to define the current state of their projects and the countermeasures, which were tested in the trystorming phase. Furthermore, listening to the voice of the customer, implementing and visualising the effects of the actions, which after a whole week of intense work, are already in phase of sustainability.

“It has been an honour to participate and to feel the energy and drive of the 7 Kaizen teams. With a clear focus on how to deliver even better services to our customers, I am looking forward to the next 12 weeks, where the implementation of many of the major improvements takes priority,” posted Igor van den Essen, Regional Managing Director Africa & Europe, on his LinkedIn profile. Igor participated in the Bootcamp, along with Ivan Fantin, Head of Business System, and James Ketterer, Regional WoW Lead Africa & Middle East, among other leaders and colleagues from other terminals and functions, to use their knowledge to improve processes, as well as customers, who know we care about them.