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APM Terminals Spanish Gateways recognised with Kaizen™ Award for their Lean culture results

diploma-apm-terminals-kaizen-instituteKaizen™ Institute distinguishes the company for outstanding results from the Strategic deployment of the continuous improvement culture

Kaizen™ Institute, one of the top continuous improvement consulting and training firms, has awarded APM Terminals Spanish Gateways for their continuous improvement culture journey through strategic planning, the business system implementation and all staff training in all 4 port terminals: Valencia, Barcelona, Castellón and Gijón.

"APM Terminals is proud to be recognised by the Kaizen™ Institute. It is a recognition of the effort we make every day to be safer, to become bigger and to become the best terminal operators in the world. Our Way of Working is allowing us to standardise the way we work, and it is paying off, not only in costs, but also in safety, in the service we provide to our customers, in the happiness of our people and in bringing greater market value to the workplace," said Carlos Arias, Managing Director of APM Terminals Spanish Gateways.

The award has been framed in the category of strategy linked to the continuous improvement model. Other organisations distinguished in this edition of Kaizen Awards were Azucarera, Roca Group, Grupo Eulen and Grupo Dynasol.