New tool for positioning management in Valenciaport PCS platform
Dear Sir/Madam,
We would like to inform you that as previously announced by the Port Authority of Valencia on December 15, from January 1st, 2021, applications for positioning at the terminal must be processed through the new tool for Positioning Management in the ValenciaportPCS platform.
The terminal will no longer manage the positionings via email and will not be able to deal with any application that is not requested through the platform.
This modification will be applicable to all positionings where container opening is required:
- Positionings for inspection.
- Positionings for fumigation / ventilation: In these cases, documentation for fumigation will also be required to be sent to the terminal.
To access the new application of Positioning Management service, please visit: https://www.valenciaportpcs.com/
We remind you that you must be registered on the ValenciaportPCS platform and have the user configured to access the system.
For any doubts, do not hesitate to contact us.
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