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How did we perform in Q2?

KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator or critical success factors, which indicate how APM Terminals Port Elizabeth is currently serving it's customers. Here are our results for the second Quarter.

Vessel Productivity

 April  24.99 70.04
 May 25.44 70.08
 June 25.79 76.88

Gate Transactions

Month Dual Single Total Gate Moves
 April 34,353 51,295 85,648
May 36,963 59,446 95,409
June 37,329 54,726 92,055

Truck Turn Times

Month Dual Avg
Single Avg
 April 54.95 47.03
May 52.65 46.43
June 49.93 44.79

Rail Dwell Times

 Month Container Count Average Dwell Days


May 7,642 0.48
June 6,973 0.99