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RMS Port Delivery

No long wait for clearance of cargo at Container Freight Station (CFS). Alternate to CFS Model is here, with RMS Delivery importers/CHA can directly clear their shipments from terminal, thus reduce their time & cost.


  • Cuts the delivery time of import cargo.
  • Cost-effective with 07 days free storage as compare to clearance from CFS
  • RMS clearance and delivery facility is open 24x7.
  • Quicker delivery means faster turnaround of containers.
  • Handled multiple importers through one Customs House Agent (CHA).

Under the RMS model, CHA/Customers can complete customs clearance of their shipment and take delivery of it at the port within a stipulated time frame of the shipment being terminal. The services comply with high quality and safety standards.

Request Process:

  • RMS shipments auto selected by RMCC(customs system) after BE filling and basis on Importers previous track record.
  • Customs House will respond with permission/rejection.
  • In case of permission/OOC granted by Customs, documents will be forwarded to the terminal.
  • Customer registration shall complete, once receive unique RMS Code from terminal.
  • Basis RMS Code, customer needs to open PDA with terminal.

Other Restrictions:

  • Advance Intimation for mode of delivery (RMS or CFS) to Shipping Lines.
  • Advance Bill of Entry to be filled in Customs for OOC.
  • Submission of E-Do & OOC at terminal required for container movement/release