Safety & Security
Safety is at the core of all our operations. APM Terminals Pipavav has recorded incident-free operations with zero fatalities and zero Lost Time Injuries (LTI) for more than 199 days (as of November 2023). Our previous record was more than 1000 days.
The port has embarked on APM Terminals’ designated Safety initiatives to ensure maximum safety with collaborative efforts in: transportation, suspended loads and lifting, working at heights, stored energy and control of contractors. The highest level of safety is the result of the continuous training, monitoring, and supervising of all operations as well as employees’ proactive initiatives to embrace safety as way of life.
We have set a number of key performance indicators (KPIs) that measure safety performance, both in terms of personal safety [safety of our employees and any other people who could be affected by our activities] and in terms of the safe design, operation and maintenance of our facilities.
Personnel safety
We are committed to maintaining a safe, healthy workplace for our employees and contractors, and delivering safe projects that benefit everyone. The port incorporates the best global safety practices into our daily operations to create a safe place to work.
The port has a dedicated Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) department responsible for ensuring the safety of all working at the port. Besides issuing a comprehensive HSSE manual, the port ensures safety induction for all the visitors visiting the operation area. New employees are mandated to participate in a safety induction programme which outline safety do’s and don’ts for employees and vendors. The port has also developed safety measures and procedures to handle specific operations and scenarios quickly and efficiently. These include a comprehensive disaster management plan, and an oil spill contingency plan. A dedicated team of firemen and fire-related equipment ensure that Port Pipavav is fully prepared to respond to any fire related emergency.
Transparency is the key to any effective safety strategy. Frequent safety meetings, notices and a detailed reporting system keep employees and management continually informed about the port’s safety policy, incidents, and safety record.
The port has a dedicated head of security, along with an outsourced security force. There is a comprehensive security policy and manual, which describes the security measures that protect all cargo, materials and people at the port.
Drive through container scanner
The port commenced operation of a drive through container scanner in 2019. The scanning system adheres to the guidelines issued by the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board and specifications issued by Directorate of Logistics. The state of the art machinery with UPS power back up, helps detect contraband or prohibited cargoes and completes the scanning process within just 25-30 seconds. The entire container load on trailer can pass through the machine which can scan 70 vehicles per hour.
APM Terminals Pipavav’s operations are compliant with the International Ship and Port Security Code (ISPS), a document outlining a comprehensive set of measures that enhance the security of ships and port facilities. As part of its ISPS compliance, the port’s operations are audited on an annual basis. In addition, security drills, and meetings with employees, contractors and government officials ensure that key stakeholders remain active and engaged in the port’s security.
The safety of our employees will always be paramount in our operational considerations. APM Terminals shares and benchmarks our progress with other companies/port operators and works together to extend our best practices to protect employees at the workplace.
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