
APM Terminals Pecém achieved record volume growth

With three months until the end of the year, APMT Terminals Pecem has achieved 26% growth in container handling in 2019. From January to September, the terminal handled 247,497 TEUs* compared to 196,121 TEUs, recorded in the same period last year.

In September, another all time record was achieved at the terminal, with 35,668 TEUs handled in a single month.

The growth is largely due to the increase in Cabotage volume and the exports made through the Terminal, particularly fruit, destined for the American and European markets.

The Commercial Manager of APM Terminals Pecém, André Magalhães explains that harvests in 2019 also outperformed 2018: "The fruit harvest is performing very well for Pecem, we are handling 30% higher than we had projected," he says.

In addition, a new MSC service for the Mediterranean, which joined APM Terminals Pecém's portfolio in September, also contributes to the positive results.

* TEU: Twenty Equivalent Unit