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WACT awards scholarships to fresh batch of 50 undergraduates in its scholarship scheme

The West Africa Container Terminal (WACT) operated by APM Terminals at the port of Onne has awarded scholarships to additional 50 deserving students from its host communities, Onne and Ogu, in Rivers State. This annual program is part of the ongoing commitment to fostering academic excellence and nurturing young talented minds from 200 level until their final year.

100 students and counting

Since the inception of the scholarship scheme, WACT has so far invested a total amount of 60 million Naira in supporting the educational aspirations of 100 undergraduate students. This scholarship program is just one of the many ways WACT demonstrates its dedication to their host communities while strengthening the educational landscape of Nigeria.

Speaking at the scholarship presentation ceremony in Onne, the Managing Director of WACT, Mr. Jeethu Jose, congratulated the beneficiaries and mentioned that the scheme is a tool to identify, nurture, and attract great talents from the host communities.

A Commitment to our host communities

Mr. Jose said that the scheme demonstrates the company's involvement to strengthen the country's education system and support students to achieve their full potential. He said that in order to ensure WACT leaves a lasting impact on the indigenes of its host communities, the company reorganized its relationship with the host communities on the three (3) pillars of transparency, visibility, and inclusivity.

"The scholarship scheme is only but one of the many positive outcomes of the WACT's refreshed community engagement framework. It is therefore a huge delight for me to mention that the scheme does not end with these payments. We have provided a platform where some of the students are offered internship opportunities in the terminal to learn the culture and values of our company and gain hands-on experience relevant to their field of study," he said.

Investing in the future

WACT’s scholarship program is an investment in the future of the host communities. Beyond the scholarship programs, WACT has implemented many initiatives and have more plans for tailor-made initiatives in the areas of health, business development, infrastructure project and ICT.

WACT is the first greenfield container terminal in Nigeria to be built under a public-private partnership (PPP) model. Located within the Onne Oil and Gas Free Zone in Onne Port, Rivers State, WACT has grown to become the most efficient gateway to markets outside the Lagos area and is a major gateway to East Nigeria.


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