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WACT signs agreement to promote cooperation and economic development in the region

APM Terminals West Africa Container Terminal (WACT), Onne, Rivers State has signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) to promote cooperation and development in its host community of Ogu.

Speaking at the agreement signing ceremony, the Managing Director of WACT, Naved Zafar, said the move will enhance peace and economic development of the community.

He stated: “This is a day I have passionately looked forward to for almost two years. Our journey started with a very humble beginning. We started operations with a very small team; no place of our own, not much of container business, but with a strong vision and commitment for the future.

“Looking at where we are now and what we have achieved, we can all be proud of it. That represents an incredible story of public-private and local community partnership in Nigeria, where international companies come and invest in a greenfield project, and based on that, develop an entire port ecosystem, promote Nigerian trade and support the local community.

“We started our partnership, and to better cooperate and coordinate with each other, we brought in transparency, visibility, and inclusivity in our relationship of what we do together.

“The choice of building the community engagement on the pillars of transparency, visibility, and inclusivity is in strong alignment with our group’s purpose of improving life for all by integrating the world.

“At WACT, we are on a mission to make life better for our people, which does not end with our employees but also our stakeholders, which the good people of Ogu community stand tall.”

Also speaking, the Executive Chairman of Ogu/Bolo Local Government, Vincent Nemieboka, who was represented by his Chief of Staff, Isaac William, commended WACT for bringing positive changes and development to the community. He assured WACT of the community’s cooperation and support.


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